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La French Tech Singapore is bringing together French entrepreneurs, investors, advisors, and tech startup enthusiasts with a shared interest in Singapore's thriving tech industry.

Welcome to
La French Tech Singapore!

Established in 2018, La French Tech Singapore is a dynamic landing pad for entrepreneurs and tech enthusiasts, providing support to launch ventures in Singapore or establish subsidiaries, and offering guidance for expansion into Europe, particularly in France. La French Tech Singapore is the largest French Tech worldwide community outside of France.

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🔥 Latest news

1 Taking place on May 30th, this premier event is organized by The French Chamber of Singapore in collaboration with Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), Team France Export, and La French Tech Singapore.
2 Singapore PM Wong and France President Mr. Macron launched the France-Singapore Joint Year of Sustainability (JYOS). The JYOS will have a series of sustainability-focused events and initiatives from April 2024 to mid-2025, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and France.
Slides 10y Awards
3 La French Tech celebrated the 10 years anniversary with the launch of French Tech Awards


1. Taking place on May 30th, this premier event is organized by The French Chamber of Singapore in collaboration with Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), Team France Export, and La French Tech Singapore. Click on the image to Register for the event.
2 In 2023, La French Tech celebrated its 10th Anniversary. Learn more on 10 years of achievements.
3 Singapore DPM Wong and France President Mr. Macron launched the France-Singapore Joint Year of Sustainability (JYOS). The JYOS will have a series of sustainability-focused events and initiatives from April 2024 to mid-2025, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and France. Reach out to us to participate in the initiative.

Our activities


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Discover French Tech Startups in Singapore.


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Engage with the community via our thematic groups on our WhatsApp communities and events.

Volunteer Community Manager

Take up your engagement in the community by becoming a volunteer organizer to animate the community.


Interested to partner with La French Tech Singapore? Reach out to us and support the community!

French Tech Startup

Working in a startup with a French Founder or based in France? Register your company in the French Tech Singapore Startup Directory to get access to benefits.

Our activities

Connect the community via Thematic chapters

Meet the community at our upcoming events

Discover the French Tech Startups in Singapore

Explore our resources

Become part of the community

Join us to be part of the French Tech global movement and meet the community

Community Member

Engage with the community via our thematic groups on our Whatsapp Community and events

Volunteer Community manager

Take up your engagement in the community by becoming a volunteer organizer to animate the community.


Partner with us to grow the community

French Tech Startup Directory

Working in a startup with a French Founder or based in France? Register your company in the French Tech Singapore Startup Directory to get access to benefits

In 2023, La French Tech celebrated its 10th anniversary! 🎊

Celebrating our 10-year Anniversary 🎈

Welcome to La French Tech Singapore!



Join our community thematic Chapters to network with fellow entrepreneurs & tech enthusiasts(not restricted to French!), and get access to our WhatsApp Community. 



Check out our happenings for the next events to meetup the community


French Tech Startups Directory

Discover French tech Singapore ecosystem startups



Get an overview of our existing partners, and reach out if you are interested to partner and grow the community.

Young marketing professional speaking in courtyard with tablet in hand

Resources for expansion

Get access to resources for entrepreneurs in Singapore, such as articles, videos and podcasts, and partners for expansion in Singapore

If you are a Singaporean startup interested to expand to France and Europe, find some resources on how to get started.


Check out our interview podcasts with our entrepreneurs!


Robbie Schingler is a co-founder of Planet Labs, a company that seeks to image the entire world every day in order to make global change visible, accessible and actionable.

Robbie explains how his company strives to help humanity live more resiliently as a species on this planet.


Philippe Beaudoin is a co-founder and head of applied research at Element AI, a company founded on the belief that humans and machines can work smarter together and that this synergy can help humans focus on the tasks that they find most meaningful.

An essential challenge on that path, says Philippe, is working towards transitive trust in Artificial Intelligence - by helping humans understand how AI systems work and how these systems actually use the data we feed them to make decisions.


Sebastien de Peretti, co-founder of Jumpster, doesn't just help his clients find customers and gain traction in the Southeast Asia market - He furthers their development by co-investing and finding local partners to accelerate even further.

Jumpster isn't afraid to have skin in the game. Sebastien discusses the many benefits of Jumpster's unique approach, and also touches on the enormous synergies and opportunities in the Singaporean ecosystem.


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We’re proud to be celebrating 10 years of French Tech together! This first decade has demonstrated the capacity of our ecosystem to become a real driver of the economy and to anchor its innovations in the daily lives of the French people.
Eric Barbier
Eric Barbier, President of La French Tech Singapore

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A photo of Shaun Benson, Marketing Manager, Agriflora Inc.
Shaun Benson, Marketing Manager, Agriflora Inc.

Our partners

French embassy in singapore
Singapore Fintech Festival
Enterprise SG
SG Innovate